Condition | Samples to send | Comments |
Cellulitis |
Microscopy is not performed out-of-hours, any samples received over night will be processed the next morning. Swabs are a less useful sample with a poorer diagnostic yield compared to tissue or pus in a universal container. |
Necrotising fasciitis |
Bites – animal or human |
State clearly on the form that swab is from an infected human or animal bite. Microscopy is not performed out-of-hours, any samples received over night will be processed the next morning. |
Chronic wounds - vascular or diabetic ulcers, surgical sites |
Do not swab chronic ulcers unless there is spreading cellulitis surrounding them, extending >2cm from the edge of the ulcer. Do not swab the debris at the wound surface - always clean the surface first. |
Suspected wound botulism in injecting drug users |
Confirmation of the clinical diagnosis is by the demonstration of botulinum toxin in blood samples or, in the case of wound botulism, by the identification of C. botulinum in wound specimens. Routine laboratory tests are not helpful and specimens need to be sent to the reference laboratory. This can be arranged through the duty or on-call microbiologist. |
Guideline reviewed | July 2023 |
Page updated | March 2024 |