Uncomplicated lower UTI without pyrexia
- Urine in boric acid container (red) for culture
- Vaginal swab/cervical swab/urethral swab (females) or urethral swab/urine (males) for gonococcal and chlamydial PCR if sexually transmitted infection is suspected
- Do not send urine samples in the absence of recognised signs and symptoms of (CA)UTI
- Asymptomatic bacteriuria is common in those >65 years old and in catheterised patients - it should not be treated
- Do not dipstick to diagnose catheter-associated UTI
- Smelly, cloudy, or dark urine is not a sign of UTI
- The following are recognised signs and symptoms of CAUTI: fever, rigors, lethargy, malaise, supra-pubic or flank discomfort, acutely altered mental status